28 October 2018

Lost Years

It is now 2018 and nearly November, the last time I wrote a blog post was in October 2012 when I returned to South Africa from a short stay in the UK. That was 5 years ago!!!!.
Knock Knock who's there ? No -one home! (My front door-Cakebridge Rd Cheltenham)
What happened to all those years? ..
I Loved the open Studios in the UK -Cheltenham Open Studios
They flew and are lost.

I painted up a storm there -Cheltenham Art In The Park

I just love, love these Buildings 

The Parks and Spring Gardens in Cheltenham are beautiful.
Buildings  ..I love buildings and Architecture
(BTW I'm wearing a purple hat!šŸ˜–)

Yummy markets-Garlic Lavender Olives (and the purple Hat) 
A host of Golden Daffodils .

I had given up life in Johannesburg to start a new life in England. I left hearth and home, friends and family to explore ā€˜greenerā€™ pastures (literally) in Cheltenham,UK . But it wasn't meant to be!

I was sad to leave beautiful England.

We moved back to South Africa to a beautiful seaside village of Hermanus in the Western Cape. 
My last blog post had pictures of the town. It is a very picturesque and inspirational place for Artists, newly weds and nearly deads the elderly- Not to be disrespectful there are loads of retired folk there -but hey I'm nearly there too age wise ... but Artists never retire!!!!!.
The Cape Is Truly The Fairest
New Life in Hermanus 

Picturesque  Seaside Village 

We stayed there for two and half years. Here Iā€™ll share the process of renovating ā€œThe Candle Bush Houseā€ In my next Blog
This place was not for me! Enough was enough.
So we moved again. ( the restless Soul of a gypsy keeps a movinā€™ on - thatā€™s me).
To another seaside Village in the Cape.

08 March 2012

Ronnie Biccard's Exhibition At the Isbourne HolisticCentre. 23 March 2012

The time has come again that I exhibit the paintings that I have painted over the last year.
The Isbourne Holistic Centre In Cheltenham will be hosting my exhibition.
I will be exhibiting a variety of paintings, from the Astrological Goddesses that illustrated the Soulogical Daily Planner for 2012, 
Inspirations and Impressions from my travels in England- landscapes and buildings.
 Expressions -faces and figures.


Please forward this invitation to anyone who would be interested in this show.
Hope to see you there.

08 December 2011

Poems From The Heart For The Soul by Frances Whitman: Soul Sisters 08/12/2011

Soul Sisters a beautiful poem by Frances Whitman - channeled and written for me .. 
Thank you beautiful Soul Sister
Make Me Smile-WE do that for each other...

WE share our WISDOM and WE Play

 WE Sing the same song  and Sometimes with a different tune.
Soul Sisters a beautiful poem by Frances Whitman

14 August 2011

Astrological Goddess Paintings

I have spent my Sunday updating my website , doing the laundry,as well as making damson jam(plums are in abundance at the moment and a friend gave me a bucket full)
This is an invitation to have a cyber stroll through my creations, past and present.
I amaze myself as to how many paintings I have painted over the years  and it feels good looking at all my old friends again. They certainly tell a story and I'm glad I kept a record of most of them.
You can see them at  http://ronniebiccardartist.weebly.com 
BUT not before having a look at these!!!!
I am launching my new Astrological Goddess paintings.
I painted a series for the 2012 Soulogical Planner. I don't think it has been launched yet. These paintings are available as greeting cards and as signed limited edition Giclee' prints. 
Please email me if you are interested in ordering.

July 23 - August 22
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving

October 23 - November 21
Determined and forceful
Emotional and intuitive
Powerful and passionate
Exciting and magnetic

March21-April 19

Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted

November 22 - December 21
Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

June 21 - July 22
Emotional and loving
Intuitive and imaginative
Selective and cautious
Protective and sympathetic

 Patient and reliable 
Warmhearted and loving 
Persistent and determined 
Placid and secure

February 19 - March 20
Imaginative and sensitive
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic

May 21 - June 20
Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively

January 20 - February 18
Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

December 22 - January 19
Practical and prudent
Ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful
Humorous and reserved

August 23 - September 22
Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical

September 23 - October 22
    Diplomatic and Refined
     Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

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