This is an exciting time for me, I am opening my home for the first time in Cheltenham ,Gloucestershire. England, exhibiting the paintings that I have done since we moved into our house here.
I hardly had any paintings left after a near sell out at my last exhibition in Johannesburg, South Africa.
I was left with about seven paintings out of the sixty four that I exhibited. Near sell out-ummm well SELL OUT , seems more apt as the walls were empty. The paintings literally grew legs and walked out. That was a pretty amazing feeling. The few that were left weren't ready to leave me and were carefully wrapped and accompanied me to England where our new countrymen here will have the opportunity to purchase them..
The container arrived on the 7th March 2011, and the next few weeks I spent unpacking all my beloved "things" including my paints and brushes. I just couldn't wait to paint. I flung myself into a frenzy of creativity, the result of which I will be exhibiting next week. 4th-12th JUNE 2011.
If you have any family or friends that live near me in England please extend an invitation to them, they will be most welcome.